
Adolescent Development; Who Are You Parenting?
This workshop is for parents of pre-teens to help take away the uncertainties of parenting before the teenage years are upon you. These two days will help parents understand who they are parenting. Adolescence is a very exciting time in life as well as frightening and confusing for some teenagers and parents. But if a parent can grasp the changes that are going on in their child and support those changes, the fear and confusion for both teenager and parent diminishes. This workshop is fun and informative. Parenting is never simple, the workshop may make it a little easier.

Relationships and Intimacy
When we get into relationships we are not just bringing ourselves into it but all our family, friends and experiences. This workshop helps to sort out what the challenges can be, how to work through them, and to understand the wonderful possibilities relationships give. The intimacy of relationships is not just sex, it is the willingness to share the most important aspects of ourselves. This is the glue that holds the relationship together. The sexual intimacy can be just as important or may not be important at all if all other aspects are strong and loving. If your relationship is not already strong, this workshop will help you strengthen it. If you are in a strong relationship it can only make it stronger.

Family Dynamics
How does a family develop? What are the dynamics of a family? Each person in a family has similarities of experience and many differences. Are you the baby, the middle child or the eldest? How did your family communicate? Was it an open or closed family? Did you argue a lot or were you a more quiet family? All of these things and many more are discussed in this workshop and looked at from many angles. This workshop will help you see your family in a more positive way because you will come out of it with more understanding of what has happened and how it has affected you.

This workshop is fun, informative and eyeopening. Women at this stage of life have an exciting time ahead. We discuss the challenges and the amazing positive outcomes of menopause. We look at the ways of lessening symptoms as naturally as possible and encourage networking with other women going through the same thing. We also encourage partners to attend this workshop as menopause can affect the whole family. Come learn how amazing you truly are.

Death and Bereavement
At the end of this workshop the intention is that you will no longer fear death but come to your own understanding of what it means to you. You may be able to be with a friend or family member who is dying and feel blessed by the experience and not want to back off from them. You will learn about grief and what a good thing it is and all the possible ways we grieve. We will learn from each other and know that it is what will happen to all of us. But how we deal with it is what is most important.

Fathers and Parenting
There is so much to being a father. This workshop honors the role of the father and the importance of his presence in a child's life. We look at the role of fathers in a two parent family, as a single father, and as a divorced or separated father. At no time can you think you are an unimportant person in your child's life.

The Importance of Our Childhood and Teenage Years
This workshop takes you back to those times in your life to help you understand what you learned then that is helping or hindering you at this time in your life. We develop our basic self-esteem during this period and our basic understanding of the world. How does it affect who you have become and who you want to be. Learn how to stop using it as an excuse to prevent yourself from making change in your life. Let’s find out how to build on the positive aspects and reduce the negative aspects of these years.

Becoming an Adult (What does that mean?)
To most of us in adulthood it means a lot of work and stress. But there is so much more to being an adult. It is a time of being productive, becoming parents, if that is what we want, having a career, but also finding enjoyment. This is a major stage in human development that covers ages from around 25 to 65. This workshop will help you understand that this time of life is meant to be a time of learning, loving and enjoying.

MidLife Crisis (What is it?)
This workshop looks at whether this crisis period is something we have made up or if it is real. What is the crisis based on? Is it physical, mental, spiritual or all three….??? How can we make the uncertainties this time can bring, into a knowing that allows us to accept who we are and grow from there.

Aging; Attitude, Attitude, Attitude
This workshop embraces aging and looks at it from the perspective of how our experiences make up who we are, instead of how old we are or how feeble we have become. Attitude, Attitude, Attitude…… a good attitude makes aging a joyful adventure. It may not take away the physical challenges we may experience but it will make those challenges for positive.

Managing Stress
This workshop is not only fun but very important in our stressful lives. Stress is not caused just by bad things in our lives but also good. Just think of the stress of putting together a wedding. This is a happy event but due to the stresses of all the things that need to be done we can be affected negatively. Then of course the stresses of daily living, job, traffic, bills, school, etc., our bodies and minds need to know how to slow down so our health is not affected, yet we can live our lives fully. Learn simple ways to create ease in your life.

Internet Dating
This workshop is not about how to get onto chat sites but why are you there? What are you looking for in a relationship? Do you just want to find a friend, or do you want a long term relationship? How do you attract the right people to you? It is a fun and informative workshop.

This workshop is for anyone but the focus is on women and self-esteem. This is about developing assertive behavior, becoming independent without becoming completely self-centered and working toward knowing what you want in your life.

Motivational Talk About Finding Purpose in Life
This is a 2 1/2 hour talk given by Nancy as a motivation for women to understand their purpose in this life and to know they have choice. She talks about how she came out of an abusive childhood, went into an abusive marriage and eventually made choices that allowed her to know why she is here and what she has to give.